Sunday, October 3, 2010

yeah, baby!!!

well, as most of you know by now, we have our sweet baby boy, evan! he is everything that we ever dreamed of, and more... he is such a happy baby and loves to be involved in everything.

i will write out the entire story for you all later (because it is awesome!) but just know that we made it to the hospital in time to see him born. what an incredible and beautiful experience!

here are 2 photos of our little evan. in the first he is just seconds old, in the second he is about 3 months old. he is now 4 months.


Bridget said...

He is beautiful. I am so happy for you. xxx

Cathy said...

Congratulations!! He is so adorable! What a wonderful blessing.

Cammie said...

He is gorgeous! Thank you for posting these photos!

Beth said...

Those pictures are adorable!!

Elizabeth said...

I had been hoping you made it there for his birth! How amazing he is!

Kara Chupp said...

It's incredible to see the photos...makes it all so much more real...can't believe that you are at the place...a new mommy with an amazing little guy. SO happy for you!

Brynn said...

His lips are perfect.

Shellie said...

He's such a cutie! So happy for you guys!

charles said...

I love the photos and I'm so excited to hear the story! xo